
Welcome! On this blog you'll find recipes and reviews regarding eating gluten free. Look around, enjoy!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Udi's Bread and other products

One of the most exciting gluten free finds over the past few months was Udi's bread. I had all but given up on finding a good bread with countless dollars (aka loaves of gluten free 'bread') being thrown in the trash. Being a teacher, I didn't exactly have the funds to keep wasting money on trying loaves of bread that was both tasteless and had the horrifying ability to be hard like a hockey puck and crumbly like sawdust at the same time.

There was some days where I wanted to cheat just to have the sensation and taste of real bread on a sandwich. Growing up eating gluten my dad had the nickname 'breadhead' for me that's how much I loved my bread and missed it so.

Then I heard about Udi's bread. I was tentative at first. I got it at Whole Foods out of the freezer section. When I got home I let it thaw and made it into a much-missed classic--grilled cheese.

I'm pretty sure my whole apartment building heard the hallelujah chorus that erupted from my tastebuds. Real bread! Delectable grilled cheese! I immediately ate bread for the next few weeks with every missed bread delicacy. Toast with peanut butter, toast with butter, toast with jelly, toast with cinnamon, french toast, peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese sandwiches!! To say the least I was in heaven (and maybe a little chunkier around the middle). I had to double check the bag to be sure I didn't grab a gluten filled bread instead.

I immediately tried their other products and everyone has been amazing. I'm officially addicted to their soft blueberry muffins and their bagels. And their pizza crust is good as a pizza and amazing as a flatbread sandwich.

Some exciting news--they have new products coming out in January! I believe whole wheat bagels, cinnamon raisin bagels and bread. And from what I hear hot dog buns are in the works. I can't wait!

For those interested...here is their website http://www.udisglutenfree.com/

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